About Me

I am currently a graduate student at MIT CSAIL advised by Adam Belay. My research focuses on designing operating systems and resource management techniques that make datacenters more efficient, with an emphasis on kernel bypass, scheduling, and system-level optimizations.

Prior to MIT, I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania, where I worked with Nadia Heninger on applied cryptography and systems security.

I am currently on the academic job market! Curriculum Vitae


Making Kernel Bypass Practical for the Cloud with Junction. J. Fried, G.I. Chaudhry, E. Saurez, E. Choukse, Í. Goiri, S. Elnikety, R. Fonseca, A. Belay. NSDI 2024. [paper] [slides] [code]

Capybara: μSecond-Scale Live TCP Migration. I. Choi, N. Wadekar, R. Joshi, J. Fried, D.R.K. Ports, I. Zhang, J. Li. APSys 2023. [paper]

Efficient Strong Scaling Through Burst Parallel Training. S.J. Park, J. Fried, S. Kim, M. Alizadeh, A. Belay. MLSys 2022. [paper] [code]

When Idling is Ideal: Optimizing Tail-Latency for Heavy-Tailed Datacenter Workloads with Perséphone. H.M. Demoulin, J. Fried, I. Pedisich, M. Kogias, B.T. Loo, L.T.X. Phan, I. Zhang. SOSP 2021. [paper] [code]

Caladan: Mitigating Interference at Microsecond Timescales. J. Fried, Z. Ruan, A. Ousterhout, A. Belay. OSDI 2020. [paper] [slides] [code]

Overload Control for µs-scale RPCs with Breakwater. I. Cho, A. Saeed, J. Fried, S.J. Park, M. Alizadeh, A. Belay. OSDI 2020 [paper] [slides] [code]

Shenango: Achieving High CPU Efficiency for Latency-sensitive Datacenter Workloads. A. Ousterhout, J. Fried, J. Behrens, A. Belay, H. Balakrishnan. NSDI 2019. [paper] [slides] [code]

A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation. J. Fried, P. Gaudry, N. Heninger, E. Thomé. Eurocrypt 2017. [ePrint] [web site]

Measuring small subgroup attacks against Diffie-Hellman. L. Valenta, D. Adrian, A. Sanso, S. Cohney, J. Fried, M. Hastings, J. A. Halderman, N. Heninger. NDSS 2017. [ePrint]

Weak keys remain widespread in network devices. M. Hastings, J. Fried, N. Heninger. ACM IMC 2016. [ACM]

A Systematic Analysis of the Juniper Dual EC Incident. S. Checkoway, J. Maskiewicz, C. Garman, J. Fried, S. Cohney, M. Green, N. Heninger, R.P. Weinmann, E. Rescorla, H. Shacham. ACM CCS 2016. Best paper award. [PDF]

Factoring as a Service. L. Valenta, S. Cohney, A. Liao, J. Fried, S. Bodduluri, N. Heninger. Financial Cryptography 2016. [ePrint]